Thursday, January 28, 2010

Adam Firestone - Artist Statement (end of semester)

My work is all about what's around me and what I have to work with. All of the photos that I edited and put into my blog back that up. I put thought into every single one of those, because my photos all usually focus on one thing, or the focal point. My style is my own, I don't try to be like another photographer, I like to represent myself and no one else. I used Adobe Photoshop CS3 to edit my photos, and I enjoy doing that a lot. My favorite one to do was the Retro unit because it was the most challenging, and the final results were really satisfactory. Another unit I liked was the desaturation because it was fun making everything black and white in a photo except one thing. I liked this class because it really gave you the chance to expres yourself, as you can see if you saw my DVD slideshow I made for the final.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010